ABRSM Piano Exam Pieces 2023 & 2024 | Grade 3 (w/ Online Audio)
原價 $177.00
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This book contains nine pieces from ABRSM's Grade 3 Piano syllabus for 2023 & 2024, three pieces chosen from each of Lists A, B and C - ideal for both Practical and Performance Grade exams.
The book + audio editions include recordings of every piece listed on the syllabus – 39 tracks exclusively available with each graded book.
For the first time, these will be available as audio downloads (rather than CDs), accessible via unique download codes included in each book. These recordings are an excellent way for teachers and their students to explore the range of diverse choices available in the new syllabus, whether they are looking for inspiration for an exam programme, a Performance Grades own-choice piece or to hear interpretations of the syllabus music from professional musicians.
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