The New Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs for Piano/Guitar/Vocal (6th Edition)
原價 $245.00
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This magnificent 6th edition coffee table collection is a Disney lover's dream come true! It is a guided tour through the many legendary years of Disney music, from "Minnie's Yoo Hoo" in 1930 up through "We're All in This Together" from High School Musical . The book begins with an extensive musical history of Disney, followed by beautiful piano/vocal arrangements of 68 Disney classics. Printed on deluxe stock with more than 100 stunning full-color illustrations accompanying the text and music, The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs is a keepsake to treasure for years to come!
- Jungle Book | The Bare Necessities
- Beauty and the Beast | Beauty and the Beast
- High School Musical | Breaking Free
- The Lion King | Circle of Life
- Hercules | Go the Distance
- Disney Parks’ “it’s a small world” Attraction | It's a Small World
- Brother Bear | Look Through My Eyes
- The Mickey Mouse Club | Mickey Mouse March
- Mulan | Reflection
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | Someday My Prince Will Come
- The Little Mermaid | Under the Sea
- Pinocchio | When You Wish upon a Star
- Aladdin | A Whole New World
- Winne the Pooh | Winnie the Pooh
- Toy Story | You've Got a Friend in Me
- High School Musical 2 | You Are the Music in Me
- Mary Poppins | Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
...and more
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