Trinity’s new Acoustic Guitar syllabus reinvents the popular Plectrum Guitar syllabus, keeping it vital and relevant to today’s guitarist by giving teachers and learners the flexibility to develop fingerstyle and plectrum playing. A selection of the best-loved pieces from the previous syllabus has been retained at every grade for continuity. This book contains all the exam pieces for Grades 6-8, covering a wide range of styles at each grade — folk, acoustic, rock and pop styles, jazz, blues, country — allowing candidates to follow distinct stylistic pathways as they progress. All pieces are printed in both tablature and standard notation so are accessible for any learner.
1. Country Pickin’ [Chilton]
2. Here, There and Everywhere [John Lennon]
3. How Do I Live [Warren]
4. Minor Swing [Reinhardt]
5. Never So Close [Chilton]
6. Over the Hills and Far Away [Page]
7. Ruby Blue [Walker]
8. Swing Thing [Powlesland]
9. You’ve Got a Friend [King]
10. Alien Waffle House [Dawes]
11. Anji [Graham]
12. Ballad [Chilton]
13. Be Deedle De Do [Kessel]
14. Classical Gas [William Williams]
15. Fly Me to the Moon [Howar]
16. Hole Hearted [Bettencourt]
17. (Somewhere) Over the Rainbow [Arlen]
18. Soul Agent [Chilton]
19. Blue Boy [Barney]
20. Deep River Blues [Watson]
21. For My Father [Mckee]
22. Mister Punch [Chilton]
23. Mister Sandman [Ballard]
24. Night and Day [Porter]
25. Overlap [Chilton]
26. Solo no. 2 [Elden]
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