This book contains a selection of 13 pieces for Trinity Classical Guitar Grade 3 exams, carefully chosen, graded and edited for the 2020-2023 syllabus by a panel of experts. Encompassing a wide range of styles and including duets up to Grade 5, our progressive series offers teachers and learners a wealth of engaging repertoire, whether working towards Trinity exams or studying with other guitar methods.
1. French Dance (Tourdion) [Attaignant]
2. Valse (no. 21 from École de guitare, op. 241) [Carulli]
3. Study in C (from Introduction à l'étude de la guitare, op. 60, no. 6) [Sor]
4. Andantino (from Le papillon, op. 50) [Giuliani]
5. Allegretto in D major [Carcassi]
6. Grasshopper Guiro [Cottam]
7. Funky Juan [Powlesland]
8. The Firth of Lorn [Ryan]
9. Kurpie Étude [Stachak]
10. Marshmallow Cocoa [Fogel]
11. Album Leaf [Grieg]
12. Chorinho (Traditional) [Yvon Rivoal]
13. The Coasts of High Barbary (Traditional) [Sanderson]
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