

Trinity Introducing Drum Kit | Part 2 (w/ Downloadable Audio)

Trinity Introducing Drum Kit | Part 2 (w/ Downloadable Audio)

原價 $196.00

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This sequel follows directly on from Introducing Drum Kit, exploring all the musical, technical and notational elements required for Grades 1 and 2. Through a series of engaging and practical playalong pieces, exercises and teacher student duets, each element is progressively introduced, with handy tips and ‘Did you know?’ boxes throughout to illustrate and strengthen concepts. Once you’ve completed the eight stages of study in this book, you should be well equipped to enjoy making more music, be that having a jam with your friends, working up a set with a band, playing in a concert band or big band at school or just playing at home. Your understanding of music theory andnotation should also be thorough enough to move on to Trinity Rock & Pop or Trinity College London drum kit exams if you wish.

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