ABRSM: Flute Exam Pack (from 2022) | Grade 4
原價 $233.00
單價 每
This book brings together selected exam pieces, scales and arpeggios, sight-reading and audio downloads, to support ABRSM’s Grade 4 Flute syllabus from 2022.
The Exam Pack is an ideal resource for preparation for ABRSM’s Practical Grade 4 Flute exam, as well as providing an excellent toolkit for the general development of technical skills at this level.
- Nine pieces in a range of styles, chosen from Lists A, B and C - Includes flute part and piano accompaniment
- Classic repertoire and newly commissioned pieces and arrangements
- Scales and arpeggios, and sample sight-reading tests, for requirements from the current syllabus
- Audio performances of the nine pieces by expert musicians, plus accompaniment-only tracks for use when practising (download code included in the book)
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