Trinity Acoustic Guitar Exam Pieces 2020-2023 Initial-Grade 2
Original price $246.00
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1. Ain't No Sunshine [Withers]
2. Amazing Grace [Newton]
3. Oh When the Saints [Walker]
4. Redemption Song [Marley]
5. Rockin’ the Country [Duncan]
6. Stegosaurus Strut [Powlesland]
7. Summer Rain [Walker]
8. Surfin’ Safari [Wilson]
9. White Windmill [Walker]
10. Cuba Kick! [Pells]
11. A Fistful of Pesos [Powlesland]
12. The Hungry Ghost [Searle]
13. Perfect Sky [Walker]
14. Photograph [McDaid]
15. Sailor’s Hornpipe [Burden]
16. A Tale of the Green Isle [Morandell]
17. Tango Memories [Pells]
18. Waterloo Sunset [Davies]
19. Bad Jack [Powlesland]
20. Blue Rag [Morandell]
21. House of the Rising Sun [Pells]
22. Jamaica [Powlesland]
23. New Memory Lane [Pells]
24. Rockodile Reggae [Morandell]
25. Sail Away [Walker]
26. Turkey in the Straw [Sokolow]
27. What a Wonderful World [Weiss]
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