Trinity Acoustic Guitar Exam Pieces 2020-2023 Grades 6-8
Original price $236.00
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1. Country Pickin’ [Chilton]
2. Here, There and Everywhere [John Lennon]
3. How Do I Live [Warren]
4. Minor Swing [Reinhardt]
5. Never So Close [Chilton]
6. Over the Hills and Far Away [Page]
7. Ruby Blue [Walker]
8. Swing Thing [Powlesland]
9. You’ve Got a Friend [King]
10. Alien Waffle House [Dawes]
11. Anji [Graham]
12. Ballad [Chilton]
13. Be Deedle De Do [Kessel]
14. Classical Gas [William Williams]
15. Fly Me to the Moon [Howar]
16. Hole Hearted [Bettencourt]
17. (Somewhere) Over the Rainbow [Arlen]
18. Soul Agent [Chilton]
19. Blue Boy [Barney]
20. Deep River Blues [Watson]
21. For My Father [Mckee]
22. Mister Punch [Chilton]
23. Mister Sandman [Ballard]
24. Night and Day [Porter]
25. Overlap [Chilton]
26. Solo no. 2 [Elden]
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