ChordTime® Piano Disney | Level 2B
原價 $107.00
單價 每
ChordTime Piano Disney showcases contemporary and classic Disney hits arranged for the Level 2B pianist. Students explore major scale and primary chord patterns in a setting of inspiring songs from timeless movies including Tangled, The Jungle Book, Moana, and more.
- The Jungle Book | The Bare Necessities
- Beauty and the Beast | Be Our Guest
- Lady and the Tramp | Bella Notte
- Beauty and the Beast | Belle
- The Lion King | Circle of Life
- The Little Mermaid | Fathoms Below
- Moana | How Far I’ll Go
- The Lion King | I Just Can’t Wait to Be King
- Tangled | I’ve Got a Dream
- Mary Poppins | Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
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