

Step by Step Piano Lessons Fun Way Master Series | Book 1

Step by Step Piano Lessons Fun Way Master Series | Book 1

原價 $68.00

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The Master Series provides a gradual transition from the nursery tunes to the serious classics. It reinforce each position whilst introducing the forms, dances, articulation and technique of the classics.

The Master series also reinforces the Integrated concept of introducing questions, discussions and understanding of the aural, theoretical and technical terms by repeated questioning by the teacher. Teachers must point out specific intervals and chords for aural recognition, ask questions about styles, periods, composers, terms, titles, forms, dynamic and tempo marks in Italian, etc, regularly during lessons.

The Master series also covers all scales, reading and styles of periods required in the grades and examinations. A section on “FUN PIECES” is still included at the back in the keys and necessary reading abilities required for the grades. These are also evergreen tunes known by parents and children during festivals or are tunes of the country they should know. These may by memorized and played for little entertainment sessions either at home or for friends.

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