The Big Book Of Disney Songs Cello 72首迪士尼熱門金曲大全-大提琴
原價 $157.00
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This monstrous collection includes instrumental solos of more than 70 Disney classics.
- Beauty and the Beast | Beauty and the Beast
- The Lion King | Can You Feel the Love Tonight
- Aladdin | Friend like Me
- Disney Parks’ “it’s a small world” Attraction | It's a Small World
- The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse | Mickey Mouse March
- Peter Pan | A Pirate's Life
- Mulan | Reflection
- Lady and the Tramp | The Siamese Cat Song
- Mary Poppins | A Spoonful of Sugar
- Trazan | Trashin' the Camp
- The Little Mermaid | Under the Sea
- High School Musical 3 | We're All in This Together
- Elton John & Tim Rice's Aida | Written in the Stars
- Toy Story | You've Got a Friend in Me
- Song of the South | Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
……and dozens more!!
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